2006-08-17 breeder wrote me: My persians are in love with my ragdoll Aladdin...
Hello Marta,
I was very happy that you wrote me.
Yes, fortunately all of my cats is OK .
My persians are in love with my Aladdin, but just one of them was pregnant.
The babies were born 15 weeks ago.:-))
I will send a photo. The first about one of the babies, and one about a big
They have husband it was a mistake, the persian girl had run away with ALI
You can see all of my cats on my website, it will be ready at hte end of
I have 21 cats at the moment :-))))))))
Ragy is approximately 7 kgs.
He is wonderfull, I love him, and will bring him to the show in September.
I am very sorry for Cynthie, her eyes are beautiful; tipical magic-eyes.
Is she from Mimi Birkens?
The last little baby is sheer madness , he is wonderful.:))
I will write again, and send the photos.
Warm regards,